We have two programs that we currently support – The A3/Sundance Fellowship and The A3 Fellows Program.

The A3/Sundance Fellowship

A3 has partnered with the Sundance Institute to create an artist fellowship for Asian Americans. Recipients of the A3/Sundance Fellowship will be able to participate for the year in the highly coveted Sundance Directors Lab and Screenwriters Lab programs in order to develop hands-on skills and experience in their field. You can apply for the A3/Sundance Fellowship here.

The A3 Fellows Program

The A3 Fellows Program is the inaugural program for the foundation placing emerging artists with more established artists to learn and grow. The fellowship consists of $10,000-$20,000 in funding, as well as mentorship from more established artists, and the opportunity to build your skillset and network. Through the funding and support from the A3 Foundation, we give artists their first break as well as help established artists reach the next level of success in the media space.Jerome2

Meet our Fellows!
This year at the A3 Foundation, we funded three fellows: Christopher Dinh, Jerome Villarin, and Samuel Bay. Our fellows range from recent graduates from some of the best film schools, to promising artists that have been working in the industry for longer.

Our fellows are placed with a more established Asian-American artist to refine their artistic talent, get more hands on experience, and learn more about the industry.


Meet Christopher Dinh, UCLA!chrisdinh

WongFu Productions

Just one? That’s really hard! If I had to choose just one… I would go with the movie I’ve watched at least 50 times, “GATTACA.”

Just one, again? This is more difficult than the last question! Recently, someone who I really admire and look up to is Tina Fey.

I found my love for stories on a farm in Hemet, CA.

When I was 10, my father gave up his small business and bought a 15 acre farm in the middle of nowhere. I went from seeing him occasionally to basically being his employee. Not an easy transition because he was, in many ways, the “typical” Asian father; stubborn, emotionally closed and always disapproving. Qualities which drove a deep wedge in our relationship. But he was also one hell of a storyteller. The countless hours working together on the farm became opportunities to share his stories with me. Eventually, that’s how I came to truly understand him.

And that’s what I love about stories. They have the power to connect us. To facilitate understanding and empathy. It’s cliche but stories bring people closer together. A father and a son, friends sharing youtube videos or strangers in a theater. I truly believe that.

The A3 Foundation has given me the opportunity to pursue the one thing I’m totally obsessed with in my life: telling stories. It means so much to have an organization, which is in a position to work with any number of talented artists, decide to bring you onboard. For that I’m super grateful.



Meet Jerome Villarin!Jerome Villarin


UCLA ’09


Christopher Nolan


Perspective is what lets two people look at one work of art and see two different things. Perspective is what lets one see a tragedy where another sees a comedy. As far as I’m concerned, perspective is nothing short of magic and that’s what inspires me.

Filmmaking is a collaborative effort. It takes a team of people to create what ends up on the screen. But it doesn’t have to end there.

The films I like ask more questions than they do provide answers, letting the final stretch of collaboration fall with the audience.

I believe great art brings us together to understand what no single person can – I want to create nothing less.

To be part of anything during its inaugural phase is an intimidating honor and this is no exception.

Anyone can talk. The Foundation’s support of Asian American artists is not merely a voice – it is an action, a tangible vote of confidence that rings out for everyone to hear. For me, that vote is validation and I will not let it go to waste.




Meet Samuel Bay!Sam Bay headshot

WongFu Productions

UCSD ’11

Forrest Gump

Favorite Artist is always changing

My name is Sam and I love to make videos. I have always enjoyed every aspect of creating videos ever since I got my hands on my dad’s old hi-8 video camera as a little kid. What initially started as mere curiosity has now grown into a love for anything related to film and video. I have been inspired by pretty much anything and everything when it comes to coming up with ideas for videos and I especially enjoy laughing a lot and having a good time in the process. Working with and learning from Wong Fu has been a once in a lifetime experience in so many ways and I hope to continue to grow in the craft in order to reach out to as many people as possible through meaningful and enjoyable content.

Being part of the A3 foundation is a huge blessing and opportunity for me to grow in a field that I love. I feel very privileged and thankful to be able to get hands on experience in various aspects of production work under Wong Fu Productions. The A3 foundation has truly helped me to grow as an artist and I hope that I can use my experience and growth to be able to reach out to and help others as well!

Sam Bay from Sam Bay on Vimeo.


Want to apply to our program?  Like our Facebook Page to stay up-to-date on our new initiates and program deadlines.